Good SEO practice is a crucial component of any digital strategy.

Purple’s SEO experts know what’s required to stay competitive in the SEO space.

As one of Perth’s leading corporate SEO companies, we study your competitors and develop an SEO strategy that will lead you to front of the pack.

Purple is a Perth-based search marketing agency which helps you maximise website traffic and online conversions. Our digital search agency services include search engine optimisation (SEO), SEO marketing, and search strategy.

We performance-test and evaluate your website against various on-the-page and off-the-page ‘ranking factors’ for evaluation.

‘Ranking factors’ are the various attributes search engines look for when evaluating a website. These factors form the criteria for what search engines perceive to be a good website and are continually evolving as algorithms become more complex and sophisticated.

Search engines evaluate website content and structure by using ‘spider’ or ‘bot’ crawling technology. Websites with best-practice SEO have the strongest chance of being listed high up on search engine result pages (SERPs). Conversely, websites with substandard or non-existent SEO consideration are less likely to be recognised by search engine listing and, in some cases, penalised.

Search engine optimisation can be the difference between a search engine ranking position with a market competitor, and not appearing in the results at all.


Tap into our extensive expertise

Purple is a full-service communications and marketing agency, and we’re great problem solvers. Find out how we can help your voice be heard.

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Website Development

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Meet the SEO team

We start and shape conversations that matter.

Glenn Langridge

Glenn Langridge

Director, Digital

Cameron Wong

Cameron Wong



Adam Elovalis

Art Director
