Community relations around environmental issues and management have never been more contentious. Activism, social media and increased community participation are a potent mix which can introduce issues for ill-prepared project proponents or operators.

Our team of stakeholder engagement specialists is familiar with managing a range of environmental issues at various stages of a project life cycle. We have the skills and capacity to translate technical environmental documents into accessible content which can be understood by a range of community members and experience managing tricky or controversial issues.

Risk and contamination communications

Our team has experience managing risk communications and programmes of engagement relating to contamination. With the former Chair of the Western Australia Environmental Protection Agency, now current Chairman of the Northern Territory Environmental Protection Agency, Dr Paul Vogel on our team, we have access to some of the country’s most experienced advisors in this space.

Engagement strategies for a Public Environmental Review (PER)

Undertaking or preparing for a public environmental review process can be a challenging and stressful time for an organisation, with many time and regulatory pressures. During these periods, community relations can often become a tick-box exercise, rather than a meaningful engagement.

We assist with developing strategies that will support you through the various stages of a PER process, including prior to EPA referral, during environmental studies, and leading into public review periods. Our team can support your preparation for face-to-face engagements, and provide support as a sounding board for the duration of the PER process. Supported by our design and digital team, we develop community-facing brands and microsites as tools for your community relations program.

Managing environmental activism

Environmental activism is a growing risk for current and newly proposed projects. Many organisations are finding their practices under greater scrutiny than ever before, even for things previously taken for granted, like letterbox drops.

Activism doesn’t always have to be for new projects either, with many organisations finding their ongoing operations the object of scrutiny. Issues such as noise, dust and emissions profiles are frequently being raised by the communities they operate within.

We have worked closely with clients to provide strategic advice to engage with environmental activists.

Environmental management plan and report review

When regulators require the publication of environmental management plans and other technical documents as part of their approval process, we can support your team.

We are experienced in reviewing these documents from a risk perspective, providing guidance on the language, presentation and treatment of your content to ensure you put your best foot forward.

Our team is familiar with translating these complex technical documents into accessible content, suitable for sharing with your community. Regulators who have previously reviewed similar work completed by our team have praised it as leading practice examples of community engagement.


Tap into our extensive expertise

Purple is a full-service communications and marketing agency, and we’re great problem solvers. Find out how we can help your voice be heard.

More Expertise

Engaging for Mining and Resource sectors

Delivering successful engagement activities over the lifetime of both small...


Engaging for Infrastructure

Avoiding tick box engagement in WA’s infrastructure boom


Stakeholder Database Management

Don’t let your database become a data breach


Stakeholder Strategy

Strategies for building real relationships


Indigenous Affairs

Supporting culturally appropriate engagement with Traditional Owners


Meet the environmental communications team

We start and shape conversations that matter.

Renee Wilkinson

Renée Wilkinson



Isaac Stewart

