With experience in media and strategic communications plus policy development and stakeholder relations, Molly is a skilled communications specialist with a talent for bringing diverse groups together to achieve shared goals and delivering tangible outcomes.

Previously working in Purple’s Government Relations team and now specialising in Corporate Affairs, Molly has delivered strategic advice to our clients across the education, health, technology, not-for-profit and resource sectors.

Molly began her career with the Western Australian Council of Social Service (WACOSS), developing and implementing policies to empower Western Australia’s most vulnerable communities. She then worked as a journalist in Malaysia, producing content for English, Malay, Chinese, and Tamil audiences.

For five years Molly worked across the Commonwealth and WA governments, with responsibilities including working with First Nations Peoples on the Royal Commission into the Detention of Children in the Northern Territory and as a diplomat managing Australia’s international internet governance policies and representing the country in the United Nations International Telecommunications Union.


Molly's Articles

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WA State Budget snapshot

Moderating economic growth is set to shrink Western Australia's future...


Resources, Energy & Utilities

Buoyant mood at energy conference

Here are some of the key take-outs from AOG energy...



ESG actions a wake-up call on greenwashing

The Australian-first court actions on greenwashing make it clear that...


Purple news

Cannings Purple becomes Purple as part of a new brand identity

The change simplifies our brand, while still embracing our origins...



Privacy: a very public matter

Proposed changes to the Privacy Act are coming and the...


Resources, Energy & Utilities

Mandatory Reporting: It’s coming, and you need to start planning now

The Federal Government's new mandatory reporting requirements apply to businesses...



Why AI is a change management challenge, not a technology one 

AI technology may be more human than we originally thought.
